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Get Free Traffic to Your Website: 5 Effective Methods

HomeSEOGet Free Traffic to Your Website: 5 Effective Methods

In this article, I will tell some ways or means for beginners in blogging to get Free Traffic to your Website. So, this article will prove to be very useful for a new blogger.

Every day, thousands of people use WordPress to create their free blogs and millions of people publish articles on blogs. In this case, 70% of people quit working on the blog after a few days and finally say, “It is not possible to make money from a blog.”

Because they are doing everything from creating blogs to writing articles, they do not have any knowledge about how to get free traffic to their blog or how to increase visitors to the blog properly. This becomes the biggest failure in their blogging career.

When I made my first blog, I also didn’t know how important traffic or visitors are to a blog and how to increase blog visitors. So, I couldn’t work on my first blog for long. But, today you all know about my blog “www.justgoo.in” and come to this blog to read my articles. I spent about 2 to 3 years learning how to increase visitors to the blog using the right method. Now, I know everything and my blog traffic is increasing day by day. Along with this, the amount of income from my blog is increasing.

Read more: Step-by-Step: How to Make Money Online

Get Free Traffic to Your Website

What is Blog Traffic?

We work hard day after day to make a blog. And, we write regular articles on it even harder than that.

Now, what is the point of writing a blog if no one is around to read the articles we are promoting or publishing through blogs on the internet?

Nowadays, a blog or website has various online media such as “Social Media“, “Search Engines” or “Paid Advertisement“. We hope people or numbers of people called “Traffic” or “Visitors“.

So, now you must have understood what blog traffic is.

Why is blog traffic or visitors important?

See, as I said earlier, the purpose of a blogger’s blog or article writing is to bring traffic or visitors to the blog.

Now the thing is, why? Why do we want more traffic or visitors to our blog?

Many of you probably know the answer.

Hey, you’re right. The more visitors or traffic a blog gets, the more opportunities there are to earn money.

This means that if a minimum of 1000 people come to read your article every day on your blog, even using “Google Adsense” and some other medium, you are good. You can earn money only.

So, this blog business has proved to be very profitable these days. But, the main mantra of this business is “visitors” or “traffic”. The more people come to your blog, the more your chance of online income will increase.

So, to earn money from your blog, first of all, you should think, “How to increase blog traffic?”.

So, do you understand why blog traffic and visitors are important? I hope you understand.

How to Get Free Traffic and Visitors to the Blog?

How and from where to get traffic for your blog, many new bloggers ask this question. And, after reading my answer, new bloggers will take a step further in their blogging career.

1. Search engine (Google, Yahoo & Bing)

search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing our A very important way or medium to get countless visitors on a blog or website.

You will get 90% organic traffic from Google search (Google search) compared to other search engines.

Today almost 1500 new people come to read articles on my blog every day. And about 1300 of them are Asha visitors through Google search.

This method of getting visitors to your blog is the best and all the bloggers are getting thousands of visitors to their blog every day through Google search engine.

Now the question is, how do you get traffic from Google search engine for your blog?

How to get Traffic or Visitors from Google Search Engine?

Today, most people know about the internet and creating an online blog. And, every day new blogs are created and millions of articles are published.

In this case, the competition in the line of blogging has increased and it has become tough to get free traffic to your blog easily from Google search.

So, we can get more search traffic from Google search on our blog, using a process called Search Engine Optimization.

First of all, you need to submit your blog and website to Google. After that, Google will show your blog or website, in its search results and through which visitors will come to your blog.

Submit your website to Google

To show your website in Google Search Engine or to get new visitors through it, first, go to your website Google Search Console and Register.

You will need a Google account or Gmail account to register here.

After submitting your new blog or website to “Google Search Console”, about two days after your blog and all related Pages, Google will continue to show in its search results.

You, by typing “domain name” of your blog, can understand whether your blog is showing up in Google search or not.

Once, after register your blog with Google through the search console, all the new articles you write in the future will automatically be added to the Google search engine.

Finally, you need to write empty, good, and SEO-friendly articles on your blog. In this, your blog articles will automatically get more traffic or visitors from Google searches.

Use SEO in blog articles

Remember, to get more traffic from search engines on the website, you must write articles using “search engine optimization”. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for you to get free traffic from Google.

What does SEO mean? What is the work of SEO in blogs and How to use SEO in articles I have already told you all. So, read these articles.

2. Traffic via social media

Hey, social media like Facebook, Twitter , and YouTube Can bring countless visitors to your website. Remember, the more social media traffic your blog has, the more search traffic you will get from Google searches.

This is a distinct benefit of social media traffic. So in this case, a process called Social Media Marketing can be of great help to you.

Now, what do you need to do to get blog traffic from social media? Do you know? don’t you know

First of all, your Facebook, Twitter , and YouTube You have to create a page or channel in the name of your blog.

Now, on your Twitter and Facebook fan page or YouTube channel, you have to share the article link with the details related to the article written on your blog.

Hey, you might not get traffic at first. But, slowly when your page and channel get likes, followers, or subscribers. If there are many, then the number of visitors or traffic to the blog will increase from them.

If you already have a Facebook page or YouTube channel, where there are thousands of likes and subscribers, then you can increase the profit of that page or channel.

3. By Guest Posting

Do you know “what is guest posting”? You don’t seem to know. When we write and submit articles to other blogs related to our blog’s niche or topic as a guest, that process is called guest posting.

Remember, we must give our blog link in the submitted article. Otherwise, we will not benefit from guest posting.

By guest posting, you can benefit in two ways.

First, traffic or visitors will come from the blog where you write the article to your blog article through the website link you provide.

Secondly, when you write articles on other blogs and link to your blog there, a backlink for your website (Backlink) will be generated. And, this backlink is very important to get more traffic from Google Search.

So, guest posting will generate backlinks and increase the chances of getting more visitors from Google Search.

How to do guest posting?

For guest posting, you first need to find some blogs, which are of good quality and whose niche, topic, or topic is almost the same as your blog.

Then, you need to email the owner and a half of that blog one by one. In the email, you should write that “you want to guest post on their blog”.

Then, if the blog owners allow you to write as a guest on their blog, you should write a good article and submit it to them with a link to your blog (URL Link) inside the article.

Then, when blog owners publish or promote your article on their blog, you will get direct traffic to your blog from their blog through the blog URL link.

Furthermore, quality backlinks of your blog will also be created, which will increase your blog’s Domain authority in the future, and as a result, you will be more visible from Google Search.

4. Directory submission

Not much through Directory submission, but some direct traffic you will get to your blog.

In this process, your own blog URL Address has some good quality directory websites. For example, Blogadda or Indiblogger should be submitted.

In this, hopefully, visitors to those directories will come directly to your blog through the links you provide.

If you search on Google, there are many directory websites You will get, in which you can add your blog link.

Finally, remember, don’t add your blog to any directory. Because a bad or low-quality directory can have a bad effect on your Google search traffic.

So, add your blog name and URL link only to a good and high-quality directory website.

5. Blog commenting

When you go to another blog and read an article, you must have seen a place below the article that says “Write a comment”.

With this “write a comment”, you can write some comments about the article in that blog article.

When submitting a comment, you are also asked to enter the name of your blog or website. So, while writing comments on other blogs, you can promote your blog with your blog’s URL address link.

In this, there is a chance to get traffic or visitors from the website where you have commented through the link provided by you.

Moreover, through this process, you can generate many backlinks for your blog. High quality and good backlinks from good websites and blogs result in increased organic traffic or visitors from Google Search.

6. Email marketing

What is email marketing, I have already told you about this. But even here I tell you little about this matter.

Email marketing is a process where you can promote your blog or website to thousands of people through email.

In this case, you should use an “email subscription box” on your blog and create an email list for the blog. .

In this, every time your visitors subscribe with their email ID in that box, you will receive all the articles you promote on your blog. They will get through email Notification

So, if you have thousands of email subscribers, you will get a good number of traffic to your blog only through email.

To create an email list using your blog, email subscription box, you can use Google FeedBurner can use the service. I am also using this to build email list for my blog.

7. Get traffic using Quora

Finally, I use quora website to get free traffic or visitors for my blog.

Quora is a popular question answer website where every day, thousands of people ask questions on various topics. Moreover, millions of people come here every day to find answers on various topics.

And, ordinary people like you and me answer those questions. I mean, JK also on Quora, people can answer questions.

Now, you too can find and answer questions related to your blog articles on Quora.

And, you can add your own “link to blog article” when answering the question.

In this, as people read your answers on Quora, they will come to your blog through the blog link you provide. As a result, blog traffic or visitors will increase.

Many are bringing regular traffic to their blogs and websites using this medium.

Remember, the more questions you answer and the more links you add to your blog articles, the more visitors you will get.

Finally, you can build quality backlinks through Quora. As a result, it will become a good opportunity to increase the amount of traffic expected from Google Search.

Parvej Alam
Parvej Alamhttps://www.justgoo.in
Parvez Alam is a dynamic content writer who has been captivating audiences since 2019. With a flair for crafting compelling narratives and an eye for detail, Parvez excels at transforming ideas into engaging, high-impact content.

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