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Get Free Traffic to Your Website: 5 Effective Methods


In this article, I will tell some ways or means for beginners in blogging to get Free Traffic to your Website. So, this article will prove to be very useful for a new blogger.

Every day, thousands of people use WordPress to create their free blogs and millions of people publish articles on blogs. In this case, 70% of people quit working on the blog after a few days and finally say, “It is not possible to make money from a blog.”

Because they are doing everything from creating blogs to writing articles, they do not have any knowledge about how to get free traffic to their blog or how to increase visitors to the blog properly. This becomes the biggest failure in their blogging career.

When I made my first blog, I also didn’t know how important traffic or visitors are to a blog and how to increase blog visitors. So, I couldn’t work on my first blog for long. But, today you all know about my blog “www.justgoo.in” and come to this blog to read my articles. I spent about 2 to 3 years learning how to increase visitors to the blog using the right method. Now, I know everything and my blog traffic is increasing day by day. Along with this, the amount of income from my blog is increasing.

Read more: Step-by-Step: How to Make Money Online

Get Free Traffic to Your Website

What is Blog Traffic?

We work hard day after day to make a blog. And, we write regular articles on it even harder than that.

Now, what is the point of writing a blog if no one is around to read the articles we are promoting or publishing through blogs on the internet?

Nowadays, a blog or website has various online media such as “Social Media“, “Search Engines” or “Paid Advertisement“. We hope people or numbers of people called “Traffic” or “Visitors“.

So, now you must have understood what blog traffic is.

Why is blog traffic or visitors important?

See, as I said earlier, the purpose of a blogger’s blog or article writing is to bring traffic or visitors to the blog.

Now the thing is, why? Why do we want more traffic or visitors to our blog?

Many of you probably know the answer.

Hey, you’re right. The more visitors or traffic a blog gets, the more opportunities there are to earn money.

This means that if a minimum of 1000 people come to read your article every day on your blog, even using “Google Adsense” and some other medium, you are good. You can earn money only.

So, this blog business has proved to be very profitable these days. But, the main mantra of this business is “visitors” or “traffic”. The more people come to your blog, the more your chance of online income will increase.

So, to earn money from your blog, first of all, you should think, “How to increase blog traffic?”.

So, do you understand why blog traffic and visitors are important? I hope you understand.

How to Get Free Traffic and Visitors to the Blog?

How and from where to get traffic for your blog, many new bloggers ask this question. And, after reading my answer, new bloggers will take a step further in their blogging career.

1. Search engine (Google, Yahoo & Bing)

search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing our A very important way or medium to get countless visitors on a blog or website.

You will get 90% organic traffic from Google search (Google search) compared to other search engines.

Today almost 1500 new people come to read articles on my blog every day. And about 1300 of them are Asha visitors through Google search.

This method of getting visitors to your blog is the best and all the bloggers are getting thousands of visitors to their blog every day through Google search engine.

Now the question is, how do you get traffic from Google search engine for your blog?

How to get Traffic or Visitors from Google Search Engine?

Today, most people know about the internet and creating an online blog. And, every day new blogs are created and millions of articles are published.

In this case, the competition in the line of blogging has increased and it has become tough to get free traffic to your blog easily from Google search.

So, we can get more search traffic from Google search on our blog, using a process called Search Engine Optimization.

First of all, you need to submit your blog and website to Google. After that, Google will show your blog or website, in its search results and through which visitors will come to your blog.

Submit your website to Google

To show your website in Google Search Engine or to get new visitors through it, first, go to your website Google Search Console and Register.

You will need a Google account or Gmail account to register here.

After submitting your new blog or website to “Google Search Console”, about two days after your blog and all related Pages, Google will continue to show in its search results.

You, by typing “domain name” of your blog, can understand whether your blog is showing up in Google search or not.

Once, after register your blog with Google through the search console, all the new articles you write in the future will automatically be added to the Google search engine.

Finally, you need to write empty, good, and SEO-friendly articles on your blog. In this, your blog articles will automatically get more traffic or visitors from Google searches.

Use SEO in blog articles

Remember, to get more traffic from search engines on the website, you must write articles using “search engine optimization”. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for you to get free traffic from Google.

What does SEO mean? What is the work of SEO in blogs and How to use SEO in articles I have already told you all. So, read these articles.

2. Traffic via social media

Hey, social media like Facebook, Twitter , and YouTube Can bring countless visitors to your website. Remember, the more social media traffic your blog has, the more search traffic you will get from Google searches.

This is a distinct benefit of social media traffic. So in this case, a process called Social Media Marketing can be of great help to you.

Now, what do you need to do to get blog traffic from social media? Do you know? don’t you know

First of all, your Facebook, Twitter , and YouTube You have to create a page or channel in the name of your blog.

Now, on your Twitter and Facebook fan page or YouTube channel, you have to share the article link with the details related to the article written on your blog.

Hey, you might not get traffic at first. But, slowly when your page and channel get likes, followers, or subscribers. If there are many, then the number of visitors or traffic to the blog will increase from them.

If you already have a Facebook page or YouTube channel, where there are thousands of likes and subscribers, then you can increase the profit of that page or channel.

3. By Guest Posting

Do you know “what is guest posting”? You don’t seem to know. When we write and submit articles to other blogs related to our blog’s niche or topic as a guest, that process is called guest posting.

Remember, we must give our blog link in the submitted article. Otherwise, we will not benefit from guest posting.

By guest posting, you can benefit in two ways.

First, traffic or visitors will come from the blog where you write the article to your blog article through the website link you provide.

Secondly, when you write articles on other blogs and link to your blog there, a backlink for your website (Backlink) will be generated. And, this backlink is very important to get more traffic from Google Search.

So, guest posting will generate backlinks and increase the chances of getting more visitors from Google Search.

How to do guest posting?

For guest posting, you first need to find some blogs, which are of good quality and whose niche, topic, or topic is almost the same as your blog.

Then, you need to email the owner and a half of that blog one by one. In the email, you should write that “you want to guest post on their blog”.

Then, if the blog owners allow you to write as a guest on their blog, you should write a good article and submit it to them with a link to your blog (URL Link) inside the article.

Then, when blog owners publish or promote your article on their blog, you will get direct traffic to your blog from their blog through the blog URL link.

Furthermore, quality backlinks of your blog will also be created, which will increase your blog’s Domain authority in the future, and as a result, you will be more visible from Google Search.

4. Directory submission

Not much through Directory submission, but some direct traffic you will get to your blog.

In this process, your own blog URL Address has some good quality directory websites. For example, Blogadda or Indiblogger should be submitted.

In this, hopefully, visitors to those directories will come directly to your blog through the links you provide.

If you search on Google, there are many directory websites You will get, in which you can add your blog link.

Finally, remember, don’t add your blog to any directory. Because a bad or low-quality directory can have a bad effect on your Google search traffic.

So, add your blog name and URL link only to a good and high-quality directory website.

5. Blog commenting

When you go to another blog and read an article, you must have seen a place below the article that says “Write a comment”.

With this “write a comment”, you can write some comments about the article in that blog article.

When submitting a comment, you are also asked to enter the name of your blog or website. So, while writing comments on other blogs, you can promote your blog with your blog’s URL address link.

In this, there is a chance to get traffic or visitors from the website where you have commented through the link provided by you.

Moreover, through this process, you can generate many backlinks for your blog. High quality and good backlinks from good websites and blogs result in increased organic traffic or visitors from Google Search.

6. Email marketing

What is email marketing, I have already told you about this. But even here I tell you little about this matter.

Email marketing is a process where you can promote your blog or website to thousands of people through email.

In this case, you should use an “email subscription box” on your blog and create an email list for the blog. .

In this, every time your visitors subscribe with their email ID in that box, you will receive all the articles you promote on your blog. They will get through email Notification

So, if you have thousands of email subscribers, you will get a good number of traffic to your blog only through email.

To create an email list using your blog, email subscription box, you can use Google FeedBurner can use the service. I am also using this to build email list for my blog.

7. Get traffic using Quora

Finally, I use quora website to get free traffic or visitors for my blog.

Quora is a popular question answer website where every day, thousands of people ask questions on various topics. Moreover, millions of people come here every day to find answers on various topics.

And, ordinary people like you and me answer those questions. I mean, JK also on Quora, people can answer questions.

Now, you too can find and answer questions related to your blog articles on Quora.

And, you can add your own “link to blog article” when answering the question.

In this, as people read your answers on Quora, they will come to your blog through the blog link you provide. As a result, blog traffic or visitors will increase.

Many are bringing regular traffic to their blogs and websites using this medium.

Remember, the more questions you answer and the more links you add to your blog articles, the more visitors you will get.

Finally, you can build quality backlinks through Quora. As a result, it will become a good opportunity to increase the amount of traffic expected from Google Search.

What is Deep Fake?

What is Deep Fake – Friends, today you are going to go over What is deep fake So like hardly many people have any knowledge about it at all but if you want to know what is this deep fake, then first of all you will have to read this post completely, only then you will be able to understand that ultimately.

First of all, let me tell you that it is based on technology, which hardly many people know. What kind of technology is this, with the help of which you can easily convert any person present in any video or photo into someone else’s? You can change it to another person, that is, you might have adopted this technology many times but you do not know what this technology is called, then let us know the complete information.

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What is deep fake? How it works.

People can use Deep Fake to make other people’s masks disappear in people’s photos or videos. People mostly use it in movies, television shows, and to make funny videos, but it also has dangerous effects as it can lead to misinformation or misinformation that some people commonly believe.

History of Deep Fake Technology

Increasing along with the development of compression technologies and machine learning. The first deepfake videos appeared on websites in the months of 2016. when AI programmers applied their models to its use. Subsequently, the rapid development of deepfake technology led to more diverse uses, including films, television shows, videos, and political behavior. However, as deepfake technology has developed, there has been discussion about its dangerous implications.

How is a Deep Fake Made?

Deepfake technology is based on a combination of machine learning and computer vision techniques. This technique is used to make a person’s face look like that of another person.

The process of creating a deep fake video usually involves the following steps:

  • Data Collection: The person impersonating creates a personal data set by using videos, images, and other media of the person to collect information about them.
  • Model Training: The deep learning model is fed with the data, and it learns to mimic the person’s face and facial movements.
  • Video Generation: Applying the trained model to a source video, typically of an impersonated person, and manipulating it to match the face and movements of the target person generates deepfake videos.
  • Fine-Tuning and Refinement: Some fine-tuning and refinement may be required to improve the realism of the generated deepfake video and reduce any inaccuracies.
  • Overall, deepfake technology can be very powerful and can have both malicious and benign purposes. However, it is important to be aware of the potential ethical and social impacts of this technology and to use it responsibly.

How to Recognize Deep Fake?

Visual inspection: Many times, deepfake videos contain inaccuracies, such as inconsistencies in facial appearance, shape, views, and details.

Technical Analysis: Some technical tools can help check the accuracy of deepfake videos, such as examining details of individual behavior and descriptions and, similarity of faces and thoughts. Similarity.

Specialized Software: Some specialized software uses various techniques to identify deepfake videos, such as deep learning algorithms, computer vision techniques, and motion analysis.

Expert Evaluation: Deepfake detection is a rapidly growing field and can sometimes require a human expert to accurately identify a deepfake video. This may include close examination of audio, visual, and contextual clues in the video to determine its authenticity.

It is important to note that deepfake technology is constantly advancing, and detecting deepfakes can be a challenge. However, using a combination of these methods, it is possible to identify many deepfake videos.

How to Avoid these?

Here are some steps you can take to protect against Deep Fake:

  • Be Skeptical: Always querying videos and images can spread misinformation and fake news. Always be skeptical and double-check the source of any video or image before accepting its content as true.
  • Verify Source: When you receive a video or image, verify the source to ensure its authenticity. Reverse image search or check the URL to make sure it is not a fake website.
  • Use Deepfake Detection Tools: There are some deepfake detection tools available that use artificial intelligence to identify deepfakes. Consider using these tools to help determine the authenticity of a video or image.
  • Spread awareness: Share information about deepfakes with your friends, family, and coworkers to raise awareness of this issue and help others protect themselves.
  • Support Law: Advocate for legislation that addresses deepfakes and other forms of digital manipulation. Governments and organizations should work together to set standards for responsible use of deepfake technology.
  • Remember, deepfake technology is constantly evolving, so it’s important to stay informed and be proactive in protecting yourself from deepfakes.

Are Deep Fakes always Dangerous?

Deepfakes can have both positive and negative effects. On one hand, people can use deepfake technology for creative and entertainment purposes, such as creating fictional characters or scenes in movies and TV shows. On the other hand, malicious individuals can use deepfakes to spread misinformation, propaganda, and fake news.

For instance, deepfakes can create fake news that manipulates public opinion and undermines trust in government, institutions, and individuals. People can also use them for cyber crimes, such as creating fake videos to defame someone or stealing sensitive information.

Although deepfakes have the potential to be dangerous and harmful, responsible use can also lead to positive and creative outcomes.

What is Mobile Network?

What is Mobile Network: Friends, today we have this post for all of you. In this post, we have given complete information about it and if you share it with your friends too, then friends, let’s start the post.

What is Mobile Network?

Mobile Network is a technology system that makes mobile communication possible using a base station and a mobile device.

The base station in this system serves as a network base for the company’s services, linking with mobile phones and other devices. In this way, users can provide communication services such as voice calls, text messages and Internet access.


Read More: Mobile Network Problems – 4 Tips To Fix Issue

Mobile Network Generation in Hindi

Following are the generations of Mobile Networks:

  • 1G (First Generation): This network was analog and used for voice calls. Networks of this generation started in the 1980s.
  • 2G (Second Generation): This was a digital network in which voice calls text messages and other communication services were available. Networks of this generation started in the 1990s.
  • 2.5G (Second and a half Generation): This was an upgraded form that provided data and internet services. Networks of this generation started in the 2000s.
  • 3G (Third Generation): It facilitates faster data transmission along with data and internet services. Networks of this generation started in the 2000s.
  • 4G (Fourth Generation): This is another fast data transmission technology that provides better communication quality and features. Networks of this generation started in the 2010s.
  • 5G (Fifth Generation): This is another fast data transmission technology in which you get high-speed internet in which along with downloading, the uploading speed is also quite fast. a>

1G – Voice Call

Yes, you are right. 1G Network was used for voice calls and did not support other communication services. 1G Network was introduced in the 1980s. It was an analog network that was used for voice calls. There was no support for data in it.

2G – SMS and MMS

Yes, you are right. The 2G network facilitated the sending of messages which included SMS and multimedia messages (MMS). It was a digital network in which voice calls and other communication services were also available. 2G networks started in the 1990s.

3G – High Speed, Mobile Data and Video Calling

Yes, you are right. 3G Network provided the facility of mobile data, which provided maximum data rate to the users. Apart from this, Video calling was also an important feature of this network. 3G network was high speed which provided better data speed to the users. 3G networks started in the 2000s.

4G – Current Situation

Yes, you are right. 4G Network is the current mobile network standard. It supports high-speed mobile data, video streaming, audio streaming, and other latest communication services. Additionally, 4G networks have better communication features such as Voice over LTE (VoLTE) and Video Calling. 4G networks started in the 2010s.

5G – Upcoming

Yes, you are right. 5G Network is upcoming which will be the next generation of the current Mobile Network. 5G network will support high-speed mobile data, video streaming, audio streaming, and better communication services. Additionally, 5G networks will have better services such as better discovery and connectivity with different devices. With the advent of the 5G Network, we can get better data speed in India and the facility to communicate on time and in clear language.

What is GSM (Global System for Mobile):-

GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) refers to a digital mobile network that people use for voice and data communications. This multi-country mobile network, first developed in Europe, now extends across the world.

Various services, such as voice calling, SMS, e-mail, internet surfing, and sending and receiving photos and videos, receive support from the GSM Network. People use the GSM Network in 2G and 3G technology.

This network is secure and keeps the location and other data of the mobile device safe depending on the destination.

What is CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access)

What is Mobile Network – CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access)? It is a digital mobile network that is used for voice and data communication. CDMA network divides a fixed radio bandwidth into acoustic data and uses a common radio frequency bandwidth.

This network enables users to carry out multiple data and voice communications simultaneously. In CDMA networks, the network assigns an individual code to each phone which helps in differentiating communications and allows multiple phones to use the same radio bandwidth.

Another feature is that the CDMA network also provides a location-based service which is useful for the users. CDMA Network is mostly used in 3G and 4G networks.

Difference between GSM and CDMA

GSM and CDMA are both digital mobile networks, but there are some key differences between the two.

  • Technology: GSM is based on a time division multiple access (TDMA) while CDMA is based on code division multiple access (CDMA).
  • SIM Card: SIM cards are essential in GSM, which are for user identification and service provider identification. Whereas in CDMA a SIM card is not required.
  • Network Communication: GSM network allows users to communicate at different times while CDMA network allows users to communicate simultaneously.
  • Bandwidth: GSM uses TDMA technology to allocate bandwidth, while CDMA uses a common radio frequency bandwidth.
  • International Roaming: International roaming is easier in GSM Networks.

What is WCDMA (Wideband Code Division Multiple Access)

WCDMA (Wideband Code Division Multiple Access) is a 3G technology based on CDMA. Through WCDMA, users are provided the facility of high-speed data and high-quality video calling. It has a wider channel bandwidth which supports more data and more users. WCDMA is an advanced technology that makes possible the communication of data from one mobile phone to another and the Internet.

Advantages of Mobile Network

There are many benefits of mobile networks. Here are some:

  • Communication facility: Through a mobile network, we can talk to any person at any time. We can call and message the remote person.
  • Internet Facility: Through Mobile Network we can access the Internet and download new information on our phones.
  • Mobile Banking: We can also avail of mobile banking services through mobile networks.
  • High Speed: Through Mobile Network we can get high speed communication facility. It also lets us take advantage of Video calling and live streaming.
  • Cost of communication: The cost of communicating through a mobile network is less than other communication mediums. With this, we can communicate more and spend less for communication.

Disadvantages of Mobile Network

Mobile Network has some disadvantages. Here are some:

  • Security of communication: When using a mobile network, the Internet connection is uncertain which may jeopardize the security of communication.
  • Service Unavailability: When communicating over a mobile network, sometimes service is unavailable, resulting in a person being unable to be contacted.
  • Battery Life: Battery life gets reduced while using mobile network.
  • Radiation: Using mobile network poses a risk of radiation which can be harmful to health.
  • Network Coverage: Coverage is not available in some areas of the mobile network which may affect communications.

Selling Photos : How to Make Money Online in India

Many people love to take pictures in this age of information technology. What if this love of yours is your means of earning? Yes, the way to earn money by selling photos online has become a profitable business nowadays.

If you have an interest in photography, experience in photography, good camera or mobile phone, you can start earning by selling photos online on Stock Image Website. Nowadays many people are earning 1-5 lakhs or more per month by choosing selling pictures as a means of earning. So you can also take your passion as a profession.

How to Earn by Selling Photos Online 

Currently, the demand for quality photos is very high. Earning money by selling photos online is a very popular business nowadays. However, many people do not know how to earn money by selling photos online.

Various photographers upload their own pictures online as partners of various stock image websites, these pictures are called stock images.

Many people want to collect stock images for their various projects. And they have to pay to collect the desired images.

When a photographer’s photo is sold from the website, the photographer partners are paid a fixed amount of commission from the price of the photo. This is how a photographer earns by taking photos using his hand mobile or camera and selling photos online.

Also, if you want, you can open your website and earn by selling photos through your Facebook page.

What does it take to Earn Money by Selling Photos Online?

To earn money by selling photos, you must first have the skills to take good-quality photos. In this case, you may need-

  • A High-Capacity Mobile Camera / Digital Camera.
  • Photo Editing Application.
  • Specializing in Photography of Specific Categories.
  • Detailed idea about Image Composition, Lighting, Color, Resolution, and Size.
  • A Stock Image website Account, where you Upload your Photos.

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Who Buys Pictures Online? 

Today’s people’s lifestyle is becoming internet-based. Millions of rupees projects now revolve around online. If you want to earn by selling pictures online, pictures are sold in the following ways:-

  • To do different Company Marketing.
  • Bloggers need Images on their Blog Sites.
  • For Freelancers and Online Businesses.
  • Product Management.
  • Creating Content.
  • Content Promotion.
  • Video Editing.
  • In Institutional Magazines.

We use different images for different needs. However, to get demanding and high-quality pictures, such projects have to hire different photographers, which is very expensive. Then project managers get their desired images at low cost from online stock image websites.

Especially developed countries such as America, Italy, Canada, Switzerland, and Greenland buy the most stock images from such countries.

Read more: How to Create a Blog and Make Money

How to Sell Photos on Stock Image Website

First of all, you have to become a contributor or partner of a website in various stock image websites to earn money by selling photos online. Nowadays many stock image websites are available online. From there visit the website of your choice.

On the home page of the website, you will get options like Become A Seller, Contributor, Become A Partner, Sell etc. Options may vary by website.

From these options go to the Join Now page and complete the registration by selecting email, password, name, date of birth and country.

After registration, login and upload some good quality photos of your choice to your profile on the website to earn money by selling photos online.

The website authority does everything from digital marketing, advertising, to bringing in customers, making these sites popular. So you don’t have to think about selling after uploading a good picture. After uploading the image, whenever a customer buys it, the websites usually split the profit 70/30.

How to get a Profile Approved on the Marketplace

You will not get approval for your profile immediately after registering an account on stock image websites/marketplaces. Initially, you have to upload some selected images. The website authorities will review and publish all the pictures you upload.

  • Specific Content
  • Clear and Good Resolution
  • Attractively Edited
  • Copyright-free
  • Attention should be paid to Lighting, Color, and Adjustment.
  • Must meet non-adult and Website Policies.

Initially, you can upload a few photos and sell unlimited photos if your profile is approved. If not approved the first time, standardize the photo collection and apply again after a few days.

What kinds of Photos are in High Demand Online?

Generally, there are ways to earn by uploading quality and well-edited photos of any content and selling photos online. However, certain categories of images sell more. They are-

  • Nature–  Currently, the most sought-after images on the Internet are nature images. The intensity of nature fascinates people. Therefore, there is a high demand for pictures of beautiful scenery and places of interest in various project management.
  • Animals– We often see fascinating pictures of different birds, fish, lions, wild animals, and pets online. Some pictures are very random. Taking these pictures requires advanced cameras and a lot of skill. Stock images of such close-up animals are in high demand.
  • Art – Interesting pictures in different museums or different fine art pictures are very interesting and in high demand.
  • Fashion (Fashion)- Digital Marketing Most products are fashion-based. So the demand for various stock images related to fashion is also very high. Big fashion designers and companies want such pictures.
  • Technology– For blogging, content creation, and advertising there is a high demand for quality images of various technologies or devices.
  • Travel– If you want to travel somewhere, the demand for pictures of natural beauty and places of interest is also increasing day by day. Travel agencies are looking for such pictures.
  • Food– Food bloggers, restaurant websites, and restaurant item menus require attractive pictures of various foods. Also, the people of each region have some special food list, which carries their traditions. There are ways to earn money by taking photos of such food and selling them online.
  • Business– Various business magazines must have pictures of success. If you are proficient in this type of photography, there are many ways to earn income by working directly in an organization or by selling photos.
  • Lifestyle & Culture- The lifestyles and traditions of people in different countries of the world are different. If you are an avid traveler, you can take as many pictures of their culture’s activities and life as possible and sell them online.
  • Abstract– Abstract photography is taking a picture of a subject very closely and taking a picture of its inner intelligence. Taking these pictures requires an advanced camera and skills.

How much Money can be Earned by Selling Pictures Online?

The amount of income one can earn from selling pictures online depends on the picture’s quality, the number of pictures on the stock image website, the frequency of uploads, the website’s sale conditions, and the payment per picture.

Typically, if you regularly upload quality images to a famous stock image website, they pay $0.25-$0.40 for each image.

In this case, if you have 1,000-2,000 photos in your profile on the website and sell 50 photos daily, then your income will be-

$0.25×50 = $12.5, which is currently about 1,200 taka in Bangladeshi taka. As per month, 1,200×30 = Rs.36,000. (This is an approximate calculation, which takes a lot of time to achieve)

In this case, the higher the profile picture, the higher the sales. Also, an image can be sold repeatedly. So if you adopt the method of earning money by selling pictures online for a long time, it will be a very profitable business.

Website to Earn Money by Selling Photos Online

There are many stock image websites online. Some of the popular and trusted websites are discussed below:-

(1) Alamy.com

Alami is a creative website popular worldwide. Currently, this website has more than 237 million images.

Image by: alamy

Every day, people upload and sell more than 3000 images here. The Contributor receives up to 50% commission for each exclusive image sale and up to 40% commission for non-exclusive images.

We make the payment via PayPal or Bank Fund Transfer on the first working day of the following month if the monthly income exceeds $50.

(2) Shutterstock

Shutterstock is another popular website to earn money by selling photos online. Every day countless content creators, digital marketers, and other project managers take high-quality images from here.

Image by: shutterstock

Earn up to $120 per image download. Also, 20%-30% commission is given as a contributor. Also paid on Client Subscription.

(3) Adobe Stock

Every day, thousands of visitors flock to Adobe stock to purchase high-quality premium images. You can sell photos taken with your mobile or camera as well as videos on this site.

adobe stock
Image by: Adobe Stock

By opening a free account and regularly uploading photos and videos, you can earn a commission of 33% for photos and 35% for videos every time they sell. You can withdraw your earnings from selling photos online through PayPal for just $25 monthly.

(4) iStock Photo

iStock Photo, a famous Micro Stock Channel, is renowned for selling photos. However, to work as a contributor here, you need to first upload 3 images of your choice.


The iStock Photo management team will check the quality, resolution, and copyright of these images. If they deem the images acceptable, they will allow you to upload unlimited images as a contributor.

(5) Fotolia

Fotolia, a distinct service from Adobe Stock, offers higher commissions for selling good-quality images.

Image by: Fotolia

You can earn a commission of between 20% to 60% for each image you sell on Fotolia. For skilled photographers, it serves as a significant source of income from selling pictures online.

(6) Big Stock

Opening a contributor account on the Big Stock site is relatively easy. The Big Stock website will review the image after opening the contributor account.

Image by: BigStock

If the reviewed images are added to the Image Collections of the Big Stock website, the images can be bought and sold. Here your income will also depend on the type of payment plan and image size.

On this site, you can earn money by selling pictures online, and we pay commission at the rate of about 25%-40% for each picture sold, ranging from $0.25-$3.00.

(7) Getty Images

Getty Images Natural, romantic, emotional type photos are in high demand on the website. The website has more than 50 million monthly visitors. The website sells images at high prices to a large number of people. Pays 20% commission per sale to Contributor.

Image by: GettyImages

(8) Pixels

Pexels is famous for downloading photos and videos for free. But even if you can’t sell pictures here, there is a Thanksgiving option on behalf of the site. A monetary prize will be given for your picture if it gets a lot of downloads.

Image by: Pixel

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Boost Your Computer Speed with These Easy Tips

Computers are our Daily Companion in all modern tasks of the modern age. But since you are asking about ways to Boost Your Computer fast, it naturally means that your computer is running slow. Maybe boost your computer speed is incompatible with your work’s speed. And thousands of people face the same problem every day. Therefore, most people can’t change their computer immediately. That’s why today’s article details how to make your computer faster.

Read More: Mobile Network Problems – 4 Tips To Fix Issue

What to do if the Computer is Slow Boost Your Computer Speed

Boost Your Computer with Software

In this article, we mainly show software-based methods as a way to boost your computer. There is a way to make the computer much faster by changing the hardware, but it is not possible for everyone from the economic point of view.

The text discusses the Way to Boost your Computer with the Help of Software in Detail:-

Power Setting (Power Setting) Change

Power setting problems usually happen in laptops. But many desktop users are also victims of this. The root cause of this problem is forcing the computer to use less power. As a result, the computer hardware receives less power than it needs. As a result, their activities are also slow. And since laptops often run on battery, laptops become relatively slow due to power settings. If you want to boost your computer by overcoming this problem:- 

Step 1: Control Panel (Control Panel)

First search by writing ‘Control Panel’ in the search bar of Windows. Launch the Control Panel app. It will look like the image below. Then ‘Hardware & Click on the ‘Sound’ option.

control panel

Step 2: Set Power Option

After going to the ‘Hardware and Sound’ section, click ‘Power Options’ from the window below.

hardware and sound

After clicking on the power option, a window like below image will appear. From here click on the ‘Balanced (recommended) plan. Only then will your computer stop slowing down due to power setting.

battery option

Also, by clicking the ‘Change Plan Setting’ button, after how long you set the computer screen to turn off, after how long the computer will automatically go into ‘Sleep’ mode. You can also decide to leave. If you want, you can boost your computer by selecting the ‘High Performance’ mode from the ‘Advanced Power Settings’ and ensuring the maximum use of electricity at all times.

Not only that, but you can also change how much power the processor and PCI will use from ‘Power Options’. But if you do not have a deep understanding of it, it is better not to make any changes in these settings.

power plan

Determine the number of Startup Programs

Startup Programs are those programs that start after Windows boots. The startup program is very important for the computer to be fully operational. Again Computer is one of the reasons for slow startup. Along with essential programs, many unnecessary third-party software are also allowed to run at startup. It is possible to fast the computer by turning off such startup programs.

Step 1: Launch Task Manager

Task Manager is a software of Windows that shows the detailed status of all the software of the computer while the computer is running. The most common way to launch Task Manager in Bangladesh is ‘Ctrl+Alt+Del‘. That is, if the ‘Ctrl‘ button, ‘Alt‘ button, and ‘Delete‘ are pressed together, the ‘Ease of Access‘ window opens.

From there, click on ‘Task Manager‘ to launch the task manager. But in fact, the app can be launched just by writing ‘Task Manager’ in the search bar of Windows.

task manager

Step 2: Disable Startup Programs

You can easily see the startup programs by clicking on the ‘Startup’ tab of the task manager. After that, if you click on the third-party software, the option to disable/enable will come. Also, next to each piece of software, how much it is affecting the computer’s performance is mentioned.

startup apps

Update Operating System and Drivers

operating system update process is usually automatic. But even if it is turned off for some reason, it should be turned on. To manually check for updates, search for ‘Windows Update Settings’ in the Windows bar. Open the app and click on the ‘Check for Updates’ button.

windows update

Windows Update is considered by many as unnecessary and troublesome. But the reality is that Windows Update is essential to run a computer with Windows operating system fast. For example, desktops with Intel’s 12th generation new processors work very slowly at first. Then when the display driver is updated through Windows update it starts working very fast. In the same way, other hardware such as graphics card updates should be taken with updates rather than neglected.

Leave the C drive/System Drive Blank

The drive on which the computer’s operating system is stored is called the system drive. In the case of the Windows operating system, this drive is called ‘C’ drive. If you are using a 1TB hard drive then at least 15-25% of it should be reserved for a C drive. That is 150-250 GB. And those who use heavy software often use 300GB C drives too. Many people create system drives with much less space than this, but it is not convenient. Because it is better to have enough space on the C drive to run the computer.

For example, if you have a C drive of 150 GB, it is better to have at least 40-50 GB free space. It will not only boost your computer but also reduce the risk. There are chances of crashing the entire system if the free memory of the C drive is completely reduced. So if you want to keep the computer fast, it is recommended to keep the C drive free enough.

Windows Storage Sense / Disk Cleaner

Windows users were first introduced to ‘Disk Cleaner’ with Windows 98. Since then this tool has been used to delete unnecessary files accumulated in C drive. With Windows 10, Microsoft brings a new tool almost identical. This tool called ‘Windows Storage Sense’ automatically deletes temporary files accumulated in C drive, recycle bin files and unused files in Downloads folder for a long time, which helps to boost your computer. That is, it is more like an automatic form of disk cleaner. To enable this feature of Windows:-

Step 1: Open Storage Settings

Type ‘Storage sense‘ directly in the Windows search bar, then click on the option called ‘Turn on Storage Sense‘. In addition, open the ‘Settings‘ app and go to the ‘General‘ section to find the ‘Storage‘ tab.

storage sence

Step 2: Configure Storage Sense

At the very top of Storage Settings is the option to configure or turn on Storage Sense. Clicking there will allow you to adjust how Storage Sense will work. First, you have to turn on the storage sense. After enabling it, the first thing you need to do is decide when you want Storage Sense to work. Do you want to make it work when C drive memory is reduced or want it to be in normal mode?

After that, how many days do you want to delete the files in the recycle bin and whether the long unused files in the downloads will be deleted automatically or not, then how many days should be determined? It also has a ‘Clean now‘ option. Using this it is possible to delete all unnecessary files instantly like a normal disk cleaner.

storage cleanup

Use ReadyBoost

The principle of computer operation is that computer data is stored in its secondary storage. That is on a Hard Drive or SSD. From there, the data is brought to the processor and then processed. As a result, computer speed often depends on storage speed.

SSDs are quite fast, but hard drives are much slower. And a temporary way to get rid of this slowness problem can be ReadyBoost. With ReadyBoost, you can instruct Windows to store its initial cache files on the pen drive instead of the hard drive. As the speed of a PEN DRIVE is comparatively higher than hard drive, the processor can also receive data faster. As a result, the computer works faster. Note that this process is unnecessary if the computer has an SSD.

Step 1: Connect the Pen Drive

First of all, the Pen Drive or USB Drive must be connected to the computer. In this case, care should be taken that the USB Drive should be of minimum USB 2.0 or USB 3.0 version. Versions below this will not provide speed benefits. Also, if you have a USB 3.0 or 3.1 USB drive, it should be connected to the computer’s USB 3.0 port. Otherwise, the pen drive will work at USB 2.0 speed instead of USB 3.0 speed.

Step 2: Do ReadyBoost

After connecting the pen drive, you will see the name of your pen drive in ‘My Computer’. Now right-click on the “Pen Drive” drive. From there go to ‘Properties‘. Go to the Properties section and notice the tabs above. Click on the ‘ReadyBoost‘ tab.


If you want to use the entire memory of the pen drive for ReadyBoost, click on the ‘Dedicate this device to ReadyBoost‘ option. And if you want to use it partially then select the ‘Use this device‘ option. In this case, you can specify a specific part of the pen drive for ReadyBoost. Then click on the ‘Apply‘ button.

Turn off Unnecessary Graphics

This option is mostly applicable to fast Windows computers. Because Windows is a graphical user interface-based operating system. That is, if you want to use this operating system, you have to rely on different graphics. Such as opening software by clicking on different icons, and bringing files by dragging.

These are necessary for using Windows. However there are many animations and visual effects that are not necessary. Although these are the basic parts of Windows, many times they slow down the device. To turn them off:

Step 1: Enter the Visual Effect Settings

First type ‘sysdm.cpl‘ in Windows search box. Typing this will show a file which is essentially a Control Panel item. Clicking on the file will open a ‘System Properties’ dialog box.


Click on the ‘Advanced‘ tab.


Click on ‘Settings‘ in the ‘Performance‘ section. Then another dialog box containing all the visual effects will open.

Step 2: Determine the Best Performance

The dialog box called ‘Performance Option‘ will open from here you can turn off each effect one by one. But the easiest method is to click on the ‘Adjust for best performance‘ button. As a result, Windows will automatically remove unnecessary graphics. Similarly, if your computer is fast, you can set ‘Adjust for best appearance‘ for a better experience.

performance option

Turn off Search Indexing

Search indexing is a process by which Windows organizes files. In this process, Windows automatically organizes computer files into different catalogs without your knowledge. As a result, searching for something makes it easy to find. But this process consumes a lot of processor power. So if you don’t regularly search your computer to find files, it’s a good idea to turn it off. To Stop Search Indexing:- 

Step 1: Launch Component Services

First, search the Windows search bar and launch the app called ‘Component Services‘. When turned on, a window like the image below will appear.  When enabled, a window like the image below will appear.

component services

Step 2: Find Windows Search

From the Component Services app, you will see three menus under the ‘Console Root‘ section on the far left. The last one i.e. clicking on ‘Services (Local)‘ menu will show as the below image.

windows search

There are two tabs at the bottom of the middle section. ‘Extended‘ tab and ‘Standard‘ tab. Click on the ‘Standard‘ tab to see the name of the services better. Then all the services will show as below image.


Now scroll down and find ‘Windows Search‘. You will find it quickly if you scroll down and then start searching at the top. Because they are arranged alphabetically.

computer system properties

Step 3: Turn off Windows Search

Double click on ‘Windows Search‘. A double click will open the Windows Search properties, as shown in the figure below. Now click on ‘Stop‘ button from this window and restart your computer. Then the search indexing of Windows will be stopped. In this case, it will take a little longer to search inside the computer, but the speed will increase in other areas.

Computer Advanced System Setting

Go Back to the Restore Point

Windows automatically creates some restore points when the computer is running. That is, it stores the complete state of the computer system at that particular point in time. It’s a lot like saving a file. If something goes wrong while working on a file, we start again from a previously saved file. The matter is really serious. Usually, one uses this method if the system is working very slowly i.e. if a particular update, software installation, or something like that is causing the problem.

Step 1: Enter Advanced System Settings

To go back to the Restore Point, first search for ‘Advanced System Setting‘ in the Windows search bar. Then go to the ‘System Protection‘ tab.

Step 2: Do System Restore

Click on ‘System Restore‘ option to restore the system. After clicking, a window will open as shown below.

computer notification

In this case, Windows itself will suggest you go back to the last restore point. For example, I have a restore point from two days ago as a recommended restore. But if your problem started earlier then click on ‘Choose a Different Restore Point‘ option. Then according to the date you can go back to the restore point at your convenience, and you can understand whether the computer is fast or not.

Computer files are not affected by this process. So, if the file is saved, all your files will be saved.

Turn off Notifications

Windows automatic sending of notifications and tips is not a heavy process, but it sometimes hangs the computer. If you don’t need these then you can turn off the notification. In this case, first go to the Notification and Action Center.

Turn off notifications with the press of a button.

computer notification

Scan for Viruses

It is normal for a computer to slow down over time, but not suddenly. Virus Scan is essential if the computer slows down without any new updates or installations. If the computer does not have an antivirus, you can directly scan for viruses using Windows security options. In this case, search for ‘Windows Security‘ and launch the app. Under the ‘Home‘ tab click on “Virus & Go to the Threat Protection” tab.

computer virus

From here you can do a quick scan in a short time. But the most effective way to find viruses is a full scan. To do a full scan, click on ‘Scan Options‘ and select a full scan. You can also use other antivirus software if you have purchased it.

Ways to Boost Your Computer by Usage Type

The above section mainly describes in detail how to fasten the computer by making changes with the help of various software. But sometimes the computer becomes slow because of the user’s habits. In this case, it is possible to make the computer fast by changing some habits.

Do not Open Additional Tabs

Many people like to keep many tabs open at the same time while browsing. But it is one of the obstacles in keeping your computer fast. So keep only the necessary tabs open while browsing.

Eliminate Unnecessary Programs

Unnecessary software is called bloatware in computer language. If you want to keep the boost your computer, you must remove all this bloatware. A lot of software is installed when a new computer is brought from the store. It is best to get a new Windows. Or it is better to uninstall unnecessary software one by one.

Also, many users minimize a program after using it. But even if it is minimized, it consumes a certain amount of computer resources. So close the programs if not needed.

Place the Required Files

Many people forget to delete a file after downloading it to the computer. It can be a software installation file, movie, picture, or anything. But this only fills up the storage and slows down the computer. So avoid saving unnecessary computer files.

Turn off Backups

Many people use software like Google Drive or One Drive to store computer files in the cloud all the time. But as they work in the background all the time, they act as a hindrance to the fast performance of the computer. So turn off regular backups unless needed very much. Provide temporary backup if necessary.

Boost Your Computer with Hardware

Throughout the text, there are details on how to fast the computer with the help of software. But in reality, the computer can be made faster by changing the hardware. But changing the hardware is changing the computer which is not always possible in the context of Bangladesh. So in this article, software-based methods are given more importance.


If there’s one component that makes the biggest speed difference in everyday use by upgrading, it’s the SSD. A storage device that is widely used as an alternative to the Hard Drive is the SSD. Hard drives are relatively slow and cannot keep up with today’s processors. As a result, the computer works slowly. On the other hand, since SSDs are fast, the computer can read or store any file a lot. As a result, the computer becomes much faster overall due to the SSD.


RAM itself is a very fast storage device that temporarily stores data from a hard drive or SSD. The processor receives that data directly from the RAM when needed. But if you want to run large software or if you want to run multiple software, you have to store a lot of data in RAM at the same time. If the capacity of RAM is less then the computer becomes slow. Heavy software requires the capacity of RAM if it is to be run.

You can change both SSD and RAM at a relatively low cost. Besides this, you can upgrade Processors and Graphics Cards to run graphics-intensive software if you require more processing power. However, this article does not include them because they are very expensive.

Effective Ways to Eliminate Spiders from Your House


Inside the house, the corner of the ceiling, the door frame, the corner of the room, and the junction of two walls are very favorite spiders. Spiders can spoil the look of even the most well-decorated house. Eliminate Spiders From Your House

Cleaning the whole house once a week or once a month can reveal cobwebs along with dust and dander. We are more or less afraid of spiders, but there is no reason to be afraid of the ‘house spider’ at home. They are small in size, very harmless in nature, and do not spread any kind of poison or germs. Interestingly, house spiders are natural insecticides.

They will attack you and eat harmful insects and pests in your house and garden. From this point of view, House Spider deserves to be praised. Also, spiders build their nests in houses to escape from the adverse environment and weather. If the presence of this beneficial animal in the habitat goes beyond tolerance, problems arise.

The easiest way to keep spiders out of your home is to reduce the amount of insects in your home to zero. Spiders will come to eat insects if there is a movement of insects in the house. So if you can prevent insects, you can also prevent spiders. Today I will talk about some simple ways to reduce spider infestation at home.

Read More: How Do I Get Rid of Mosquitoes in My Home – 18 Tips

Effective Ways to Eliminate Spiders from Your House

1. Vinegar

Vinegar is especially effective in reducing spider infestations. It contains acetic acid, the sour taste and smell of which spiders cannot tolerate Mix 1 cup clear vinegar with 1 cup water and pour into a spray bottle. Now spray this mixture on the parts of the house where spiders hang.

Spray more where insects enter the house more because if you prevent the entry of insects, you can also prevent the arrival of spiders. Vinegar can also be used as a cleaning agent to clean kitchens and bathrooms. The house was also cleaned, spiders also decreased.

2. Essential oil

Spiders do not like strongly scented oils at all. Therefore, essential oils can be a perfect weapon to repel spiders from the house. You can use peppermint oil, tea tree oil, lavender or rose essential oil. Mix 15-20 drops of any essential oil with 1 cup of water, fill it in a spray bottle, and spray it all over the house.

Essential oils will not only reduce spider infestations but will also add fragrance to your home. You can use different essential oils at a time to make this method work for longer.

3. Mint

Photo Credit: Canva AI

You can also use just peppermint oil instead of peppermint essential oil. Mint acts as a natural insecticide. You can dry and powder some fresh mint leaves in a cloth and hang it in the kitchen Or if you don’t have mint leaves, you can also use mint tea bags. It is best if you can plant mint plants around the house.

4. Vitamin C Rich fruits

The smell and taste of vitamin C-rich fruits like vinegar is an eye sore for spiders. Whole lemons, limes, or oranges can be placed on the table or in the kitchen. Then the spider will not dare to enter the house. Again, you can peel the sour fruit and rub it on the corner, on the windowsill, on the book. If you want, you can use lemon-scented glass edger furniture polish or candles.

You can soak orange or malta peel in vinegar-water mixture overnight. If you are uncomfortable with the smell of vinegar, this method will reduce the intensity of the smell a little, but the double action of vinegar and vitamin C will surely kill the spiders. Apart from that, the dirt accumulated in the corner of the house will also be cleaned and you will get rid of the pain of insects.

5. Cinnamon

Cinnamon can be used in many ways to repel spiders. You can keep large pieces of cinnamon. Again, you can burn cinnamon oil or cinnamon-scented candles inside and outside the house.

6. Garlic Spray

garlic spray
Photo Credit: Canva AI

It is said that the smell of garlic drives away evil spirits like ghosts, ghouls, bloodthirsty monsters, and spiders too. The smell of garlic is very strong. If you don’t mind garlic, pour 10-12 whole cloves of garlic or enough cloves of garlic into a water bottle and spray. Use garlic paste on the corners, floors, windows, and doors, i.e. the paths through which insects or spiders can come and nest.

7. Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus plant can be used as a medicine for the body as well as a spider remedy. This plant is very easy to care for, and its pungent aroma does not fail to irritate spiders. A eucalyptus tree near the window is enough. Eucalyptus essential oil can also be used if available.

8. Cedar

There is a special type of tree called cedar whose smell insects and spiders cannot tolerate. This tree is very similar to a cedar tree. Cedar bark or wood powder can be spread indoors or outdoors. Again, you can make a ball of bark or wood powder and keep it in the cupboard or drawer. This will reduce the infestation of cutworms. Cedarwood leftovers in the home will create a lovely woody scent. Of course, if you don’t like the smell of wood, you don’t need to use it.

9. Horse Chestnut

Horse Chestnut has a reddish brown hard nut that will keep spiders away. You can buy these nuts online. Place a few horse chestnuts on a windowsill or in a corner of the room. These types of nuts do not rot easily and keep well for a long time. So one use will protect you from spider infestation for a long time.

10. Cat

One of the easiest and fun ways to reduce spider infestations is to pet cats. A cat’s instinct is to hunt harmful animals such as rats, cockroaches, spiders. If there is an increase in the number of insects in the house, get this insect catcher without delay. This will save you money on buying pesticides.

11. Keep House and Yard Clean

An unclean house is a favorite place for insects, vermin. So clean your residence regularly. Spiders love to live in dark and dirty places. So keep adequate ventilation in the house. Do not allow hangings to accumulate on the walls and always keep the floor clean. Keep the places where things have been stored for a long time clean. If there is a separate storage room at home, pay attention to that too. Eliminate Spiders From Your House

Even keep an eye on the wastebasket. Use a dustbin with a plastic lid to prevent spiders from hiding in the dustbin. Keep the wastebasket as far away from the door as possible. If you have piles of paper, wood, or plastic that you don’t need at home, get rid of them as soon as possible.

Insects are quickly attracted to discarded food, fish, meat or vegetable scraps, as well as spiders. So if you can throw this garbage somewhere far away. Or put it in a separate polythene and keep it tightly tied. If you have a chimney, clean the inside of the chimney wall.

Keep the inside and outside of the house clean. Remove grass, scraps of paper, wood debris, fallen leaves, if any. Keeping garbage piles clean outside the house will prevent spiders and other pests from entering the house.

12. Keep your Home safe

Spiders can only be prevented from entering the house by keeping it fully secured. Repair the windows and doors if they are broken. Also, check if the windows are properly sealed. Sometimes there is a small gap under the door, if your door is like that, arrange to close the gap. If there are cracks in the walls, doors, windows, insects and vermin can easily enter the house. To solve the cracks so that insects do not enter and the inside of the house is also warm.

13. Cover the food

Cover your food, even if you have pets, to keep flies, insects and spiders from entering the house with food odors. Many people keep fruit baskets on the dining table. If you do the same, make sure the fruits in the basket are intact. As a result, the flies or ‘fruit flies’ that are attracted are very tasty food for spiders You will understand that fruit flies have entered the house when you see them eating the fruit, spiders will also appear behind them.

14. Turn off the Lights

Certain insects are more attracted to artificial lights. These insects are attracted to the lights in your house and enter the house. And spiders eat more of these insects. So first of all, stop lighting lamps unnecessarily.

Indoor light reflecting off windows can also attract insects. So you can use special black glass in windows to prevent reflection. Or cover the windows with curtains. Sodium lamps are the best solution for such situations.

How Do I Get Rid of Mosquitoes in My Home – 18 Tips


The mosquito Name of a painful insect. Besides being an annoying nuisance, they also carry pathogens. These mosquitoes can sometimes cause death to people. Get Rid of Mosquitoes in My Home. Diseases like Chikungunya, Malaria, Dengue, Filaria, Yellow fever, Zika virus etc. are transmitted through mosquitoes. Sprays, coils, and aerosols are not easy to repel mosquitoes.

Even if we repel mosquitoes with these, our health is extremely damaged. Therefore, it is important to provide natural mosquito repellants. In earlier times, there were no mosquito coils or sprays. How did people escape from mosquitoes at that time? Know at a glance 18 effective ways to repel mosquitoes.

Read More: How to Grow Hair on Bald Scalp Naturally at Home

18 Tips for Get Rid of Mosquitoes in My Home

1. Use of Lemons and Cloves

Photo Credit: pixabay.com

Cut the lemon into pieces and add several cloves inside. Insert the whole clove into the lemon leaving only the clove head outside. Then keep the lemon slices on a plate in the corner of the room. You can stay free from mosquito infestation for several days. This method will eliminate mosquitoes from the house. You can also stick cloves in lemons and place them on the window grill. By doing this, mosquitoes will not enter the house.

2. Use of Neem Oil

Neem Oil
Photo Credit: pixabay.com

Neem has a special mosquito repellent property. Neem oil is also good for the skin. So you can use neem oil to get two benefits at once. Mix equal amounts of neem oil and coconut oil and apply it on the skin. You will see that mosquitoes will not come near you and also the problems of skin allergy and infection will be removed.

3. Use of Mint

Photo Credit: pixabay.com

Take a little water in a small glass and put 5 to 6 mint leaves on the dining table. Change the water every 3 days. According to research in the Journal of Bioresource Technology, mint leaves, like tulsi, also can repel mosquitoes. Not only mosquitoes but the smell of mint keeps many types of insects away from the house. Strain the mint leaves and boil them in water. Spread the steam of this water throughout the room. You will see that all the mosquitoes in the house have fled. You can also apply peppermint oil if you want.

4. Lemon Grass on Tub

Lemon Grass on Tub
Photo Credit: Canva AI

The tub Thai lemon grass contains ‘citronella oil’ which gives off a strong aroma. This fragrance is like a mosquito. Mosquitoes don’t even come near it. As a result, mosquitoes won’t find you if you have a bunch of lemon grass around you. And lemon grass doesn’t look bad either. Place these plant tubs in places where you hang out with other family members or friends in the morning, afternoon, or at night. Stay mosquito-free like this.

5. Nishinda and neem leaf powder with dhuno 

Nishinda and neem leaf powder with dhuno 
Photo Credit: Canva AI

If used daily with nishinda and neem leaf powder along with dhuno, one gets rid of mosquitoes.

6. Yellow Electric Light

Yellow Electric Light
Photo Credit: Canva AI

If you want to reduce mosquito breeding in the house, wrap the electric light in the house in yellow cellophane. The result will be yellow light. You will see less mosquitoes, because mosquitoes want to stay away from yellow light. Also, change the light bulbs indoors and outdoors. Mosquitoes are generally not attracted to all lights. LED lights, yellow ‘bug lights’, or sodium lights are useful in this regard. If you light them, the attack of mosquitoes outside the house in the evening will be reduced a lot.

7. Burn the Tea Leaves

Burn the tea leaves
Photo Credit: Canva AI

and dry them well in the sun. In this way, use the tea leaves instead of washing them. All the mosquitoes and flies in the house will flee from the smoke of burning dry tea leaves.

8. Burning Neem Leaves

Burning Neem Leaves
Photo Credit: Canva AI

The smoke produced by burning neem leaves on charcoal or charcoal fire is very effective in repelling mosquitoes.

9. Catnip Oil

catnip Oil
Photo Credit: iStock

Nepetalactone in catnip oil is about 10 times more powerful than DEET (Diethyle-Meta-toluamide) to repel mosquitoes. Applying catnip oil will keep mosquitoes away.

10. Place the Bat Box on the Porch

Photo Credit: Canva AI

nothing to be afraid of. Wasps eat hundreds of insects an hour. So you can make a bat house to repel mosquitoes. Place it on the balcony or near the ventilator and let the chicks do the work.

11. Keep the Fan On

ceiling fan
Photo Credit: pixabay.com

Mosquitoes are very light. On the other hand, the speed of a fan is about two miles per hour. The speed of rotation of the fan is much faster than the speed of the mosquito, which easily attracts the mosquitoes to the blades. Keep your table fan or pedal fan on when mosquitos arrive in your living area deck or other areas where mosquitoes can easily enter your home. You will get relief from mosquitoes as well as comfort in the heat.

12. Avoid Black, Blue and Red clothes

Black, Blue and Red clothes
Photo Credit: Canva AI

Avoid clothes in colors that mosquitoes like. What a surprise! Yes, some mosquito species are attracted to some dark colors like black, blue, and red. They are also sensitive to heat. So keep the house cool and dress in light colors.

13. Use of Camphor

Photo Credit: Canva AI

Mosquitoes cannot tolerate the smell of camphor at all. You can buy camphor tablets at any pharmacy. Place a 50-gram camphor tablet in a small bowl and fill the bowl with water. Then place it in the corner of the room. Mosquitoes will disappear instantly. Change the water after two days. Do not throw away the previous water. If you use this water for cleaning the house, you will also get rid of the pain of ants in the house.

14. Use Perfume

Photo Credit: pixabay.com

Mosquitoes stay away from perfume. So, before going to sleep at night, you can put perfume, perfume or lotion on your body and go to sleep. It can be said that mosquitoes will be seen much less than usual.

15. Garlic Spray Repels Mosquitoes

garlic spray
Photo Credit: Canva AI

Garlic spray is a very effective natural way to repel mosquitoes. Mix 1 part garlic juice in 5 parts water. Fill the mixture in a bottle and spray it on the parts of the body where mosquitoes may bite. This way no bloodsuckers of any kind will come near you.

16. Keep away from Standing Water

darty water
Photo Credit: iStock

If water accumulates around the house or in the yard, mosquitoes can breed there. So wherever the water accumulates, remove it. Prevent mosquito breeding.

17. Burn the Coconut Fibers

Burn the Coconut Fibers
Photo Credit: Canva AI

Rid of Mosquitoes of coconut fibers. Dry and shred the coconut husks. Hold a burning match stick in a wooden container. Mosquitoes will disappear within 5-6 minutes.

18. Kerosene Oil Spray

Kerosene Oil Spray
Photo Credit: Canva AI

Take the kerosene oil spray bottle. Add a few pieces of camphor. Shake well and spray the room. There will be no mosquitoes.

How to Regrow Hair On Bald Scalp: Expert Tips

How to Regrow Hair On Bald Scalp: Are you struggling with a bald scalp and longing for a fuller, healthier head of hair? This guide will give you expert tips and proven techniques to regrow hair. Whether it’s male pattern baldness, alopecia, or hair loss from other causes, we’ve got you covered. You’ll learn how to stimulate new hair growth and regain your confidence.

How to Regrow Hair On Bald Scalp

A close-up of a bald scalp with healthy skin texture, highlighting fine hair follicles, surrounded by green plants symbolizing growth, soft lighting for an inviting atmosphere, emphasizing natural beauty and rejuvenation.

Key Takeaways

  • Understand the different types of hair loss and their underlying causes
  • Explore effective medications and treatments for hair regrowth
  • Discover natural remedies, including essential oils and herbs, to promote hair growth
  • Learn about lifestyle changes that can support healthy hair development
  • Develop a comprehensive plan to regrow hair on your bald scalp

Understanding Baldness and Hair Regrowth

To grow hair back on a bald scalp, you need to know about hair loss types and baldness causes. This knowledge helps find the right treatments.

Types of Hair Loss

There are many hair loss types that can make your scalp look bald or thin. Male pattern baldness, or androgenetic alopecia, is common. It shows as a receding hairline and thinning at the crown.

Other types include alopecia areata, where the immune system attacks hair follicles. Telogen effluvium is triggered by stress, illness, or hormonal changes.

Causes of Baldness

The main reasons for baldness and hair loss are genetics, hormonal imbalances, medical conditions, and lifestyle. Genetics are a big factor, as some people are more likely to lose hair. Hormonal changes, like a drop in dihydrotestosterone (DHT), also play a role in both men and women.

Other causes of baldness include not getting enough nutrients, stress, some medicines, and health issues like thyroid problems or autoimmune diseases. Knowing why you’re losing hair is key to growing it back.

Type of Hair Loss Characteristics Potential Causes
Male Pattern Baldness Receding hairline, thinning at the crown Genetic factors, hormonal changes
Alopecia Areata Patchy hair loss, often circular in shape Autoimmune disorder
Telogen Effluvium Increased shedding of hair, often triggered by stress or illness Stress, illness, hormonal changes

How to Regrow Hair On Bald Scalp

Many people want to regrow hair on their bald scalp. The good news is that there are ways to do this. We will look at the main steps to help you grow new hair.

Identify the Underlying Cause

The first step is to find out why you’re losing hair. It could be genetics, hormones, stress, or health issues. Knowing the cause helps you choose the right treatment.

Adopt a Healthy Hair Care Routine

A good hair care routine is key for hair growth. This includes:

  • Using gentle, sulfate-free shampoos and conditioners
  • Avoiding too much heat styling and harsh chemicals
  • Massaging the scalp to improve blood flow
  • Adding hair-nourishing supplements like biotin and vitamin E

Consider Proven Hair Regrowth Treatments

There are treatments that have been shown to help grow hair. These include:

  1. Minoxidil (Rogaine): A topical solution that helps hair follicles grow.
  2. Low-Level Light Therapy (LLLT): A treatment that uses laser light to help hair grow.
  3. Hair transplant surgery: Moving healthy hair follicles to thinning areas.

Remember, growing hair takes time and patience. With the right treatment, you can get a fuller head of hair.

how to regrow hair on bald scalp

A serene scene depicting a close-up of a bald scalp with tiny green sprouts of hair emerging from the skin, surrounded by natural elements like soil, small plants, and gentle sunlight filtering through leaves, symbolizing renewal and growth.
Treatment Effectiveness Side Effects
Minoxidil (Rogaine) Moderate to high Mild skin irritation, increased facial hair growth
Low-Level Light Therapy (LLLT) Moderate Generally safe, minimal side effects
Hair Transplant Surgery High Surgical risks, potential scarring, cost


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Medications for Hair Regrowth

Certain medications can help with hair loss and promote hair growth on a bald scalp. Minoxidil (Rogaine) and finasteride (Propecia) are two well-studied options.

Minoxidil (Rogaine)

Minoxidil is a topical solution applied to the scalp. It boosts hair follicles and blood flow. This can lead to hair regrowth and slow hair loss.

Studies show it works for both men and women with baldness. It can regrow up to 40% of lost hair.

Finasteride (Propecia)

Finasteride is an oral medication. It blocks the hormone DHT, which causes male baldness. By lowering DHT, it stops hair loss and promotes growth.

It’s mainly for men, as it’s not safe for women during pregnancy.

Medication Mechanism of Action Effectiveness Potential Side Effects
Minoxidil (Rogaine) Stimulates hair follicles and increases blood flow Up to 40% hair regrowth Scalp irritation, unwanted hair growth, headaches
Finasteride (Propecia) Blocks the conversion of testosterone to DHT Halts hair loss and promotes regrowth in some cases Sexual side effects (decreased libido, erectile dysfunction), breast tenderness, and mood changes

Always talk to a healthcare professional before starting hair regrowth medication. They can offer personalized advice and watch for side effects. Remember, it may take months to see results.

Natural Remedies for Hair Regrowth

There are many natural ways to help your hair grow back. These methods are gentler and often have fewer side effects. Let’s look at how essential oils and herbs can help your hair grow.

Essential Oils and Herbs

Some essential oils and herbs can help your hair grow. They work by improving blood flow, reducing inflammation, and feeding your scalp.

  • Rosemary Oil – This oil is as good as minoxidil for growing new hair.
  • Peppermint Oil – It boosts blood flow to the scalp, giving nutrients to hair follicles.
  • Lavender Oil – It fights off bacteria and reduces inflammation, helping your hair grow.
  • Saw Palmetto – It fights DHT, a hormone that can cause hair loss.
  • Biotin – Also known as vitamin B7, it’s key for making keratin, a hair protein.

To use these natural remedies, massage a few drops of essential oils into your scalp a few times a week. Or, take herbal supplements as suggested.

essential oils

A collection of various essential oil bottles arranged on a wooden table, surrounded by fresh herbs like rosemary and lavender, with a soft, warm light illuminating the scene, showcasing the rich colors and textures of the oils and herbs.

Lifestyle Changes to Promote Hair Growth

Medications and natural remedies can help, but lifestyle changes are key to growing hair on a bald scalp. By fixing what causes hair loss, you make your scalp a better place for hair to grow.

Stress management is very important. Too much stress can mess up your hormones and make you lose more hair. Try meditation, yoga, or deep breathing to reduce stress and help your hair grow back.

What you eat matters a lot for lifestyle changes for hair growth. Eat foods full of protein, vitamins, and minerals to feed your hair follicles. Foods like eggs, nuts, leafy greens, and salmon are great for strong, healthy hair.

Keeping your healthy scalp is also key. Clean your scalp gently to get rid of dead skin and product buildup. Use gentle, sulfate-free hair care products to avoid irritation and clogged follicles.

Lifestyle Change Benefits for Hair Growth
Stress Management Helps maintain hormonal balance and reduce excessive hair shedding
Nutritious Diet Provides essential nutrients for healthy hair follicles and growth
Scalp Care Promotes a healthy environment for hair regrowth by removing buildup and irritants

By making these lifestyle changes for hair growth, you can help your hair grow back. You’ll get the lush, vibrant locks you’ve always wanted.


What are the common types of hair loss?

Common hair loss types include male pattern baldness and female pattern baldness. Alopecia areata, telogen effluvium, and traction alopecia are also common.

What are the leading causes of baldness?

Baldness can be caused by genetics and hormonal imbalances. Certain medical conditions, stress, and poor scalp health also play a role.

How can I effectively regrow hair on a bald scalp?

To regrow hair, try proven medications like minoxidil (Rogaine) and finasteride (Propecia). Natural remedies like essential oils and herbs can also help. Making lifestyle changes, such as managing stress and improving your diet, is important too.

Is minoxidil (Rogaine) effective for hair regrowth?

Yes, minoxidil (Rogaine) is effective. It’s a well-researched, FDA-approved medication. It stimulates new hair growth and slows down hair loss.

What are some natural remedies for hair regrowth?

Natural remedies include essential oils like rosemary, peppermint, and lavender. Herbal treatments like saw palmetto and ginger also promote hair regrowth.

How can lifestyle changes impact hair growth?

Lifestyle changes can help hair growth. Managing stress, eating a balanced diet, and keeping a healthy scalp are key. These support new hair growth on a bald scalp.

Mobile Network Problems – 4 Tips To Fix Issue

Mobile Network Problems not getting network in the phone is not of today, but it has been going on for a long time. Today, even after having a 5G network, many times it happens that the network does not come in the phone. This problem is quite common and bothers people a lot. This problem comes more when we have to talk to someone important. However, it is also easy to deal with. Sometimes some small settings of the phone can also relieve you of this problem. Here we are giving you 4 tips through which you can eliminate the problem of mobile networks.

Read More: IRCTC Confirmed Ticket Instantly

Mobile Network Problems and Solutions

Restart the Phone:

Whenever you face a network problem, to get rid of it, first of all, you should restart the phone. Switch off the phone and then turn it on for some time. Many times this solves the problem.

Turn on Airplane Mode:

If restarting doesn’t work, you can put the phone on Airplane Mode. This helps to stabilize the network.


You should always keep the phone updated. Even if there is a bug, it is fixed. Also, if Wi-Fi is active then disconnect it and try connecting again.

Check Signal Strength:

If you are facing a mobile network problem in your phone then you must check the signal strength of the phone. If the coverage around you is not good then you will face network problems. To avoid this, you can also install a network booster in your home.

IRCTC Tatkal Automation Tool – IRCTC Confirmed Ticket Instantly

The IRCTC Tatkal Automation Tool is designed to simplify the often tedious process of booking Tatkal train tickets on the IRCTC platform. For regular travelers, securing a Tatkal ticket can be stressful due to limited availability and high demand. This tool offers a solution by automating the booking process, helping users secure their seats quickly and efficiently.

What is the IRCTC Tatkal Automation Tool?

The IRCTC Tatkal Automation Tool is a software or browser extension developed to streamline and speed up the Tatkal ticket booking process on the IRCTC website. It automates the repetitive steps involved in filling out booking forms, thus helping users increase their chances of securing a Tatkal ticket.

This tool eliminates human errors and ensures that you don’t miss out on your desired seat due to delays. Most tools work by saving your journey details and personal information beforehand. When Tatkal bookings open (usually at 10 AM for AC classes and 11 AM for non-AC classes), the tool auto-fills the form and proceeds to payment in just a few seconds. This reduces the stress of manually entering details under time pressure.

Many times people have to face a lot of trouble for booking tatkal tickets on IRCTC. Today we are going to tell you about a special tip and trick, after which you will be able to get Tatkal train ticket instantly. Let us know about these tips in details.

Tatkal Ticket Booking time

Crores of people travel by train in India. There is a festival every month in India. During this festive season, many people go to their homes and during this time the train becomes crowded. Therefore, today we are going to tell you about some such special tips, with the help of which users can easily get Confirm Tatkal Ticket on IRCTC.
Actually, seat booking on IRCTC happens so fast that many people are left behind. Today we are going to tell you about a special trick, after which booking Tatkal tickets will become very easy.

How Does the IRCTC Tatkal Automation Tool Work?

Step-by-Step Process

The IRCTC Tatkal Automation Tool follows a simple process that allows travelers to save time and reduce manual errors. Here’s a breakdown of how it works:

1. Pre-Fill Passenger Information: Before booking opens, the user enters all necessary passenger information (name, age, gender, ID details, etc.) and saves the data in the tool. This data is saved securely and used later to auto-fill the booking form.

2. Journey Details: You can also save your train, date, and station preferences ahead of time. This prevents the need for manual input when Tatkal opens. The tool automatically enters all details into the IRCTC portal, ensuring that no valuable seconds are wasted. Once the booking opens, the tool works behind the scenes to secure your ticket by selecting available seats and automatically navigating to the payment gateway.

Payment Process Automation

Some advanced Tatkal automation tools even automate the payment process, allowing users to store their payment credentials securely. This ensures that the booking is finalized without having to manually enter payment details, further increasing your chances of success.

Benefits of Using the IRCTC Tatkal Automation Tool

Speed and Efficiency

One of the biggest advantages of using an IRCTC Tatkal Automation Tool is speed. Since Tatkal tickets are limited and sold on a first-come, first-served basis, seconds matter. The tool automates the entire booking process, reducing the time taken to book tickets from several minutes to just a few seconds. In addition to speed, the tool ensures that there are no human errors such as incorrectly entered passenger details or train information, which could otherwise result in missed tickets. This efficiency makes it highly valuable for travelers who frequently rely on Tatkal bookings.

Reduced Stress and Anxiety

Booking Tatkal tickets can be a stressful experience, especially when there are multiple passengers to book for and limited availability. By automating the process, the IRCTC Tatkal Automation Tool removes much of the pressure, allowing users to relax while the software handles the entire booking procedure. —

Features to Look for in a Tatkal Automation Tool

Customization Options

Not all Tatkal automation tools are the same. Some offer additional features that can further improve your chances of success. When selecting a tool, look for these essential features:

1. Pre-Filled Forms: Ensure the tool allows you to pre-fill not just passenger details but also journey and train preferences, minimizing manual inputs.

2. Seat Preferences: Some tools allow users to set preferences such as berth type (upper, middle, lower) or coach class (AC or non-AC). This is useful for travelers who have specific requirements.

3. Payment Integration: Advanced tools offer payment automation, allowing you to store payment details securely so that the entire process is hands-free.

User-Friendly Interface

The ideal IRCTC Tatkal Automation Tool should have a user-friendly interface that allows even non-tech-savvy individuals to navigate easily. The more intuitive the tool, the easier it is to set up and use during booking.

Are IRCTC Tatkal Automation Tools Legal?

IRCTC’s Policy on Automation Tools

One of the most frequently asked questions is whether these automation tools are legal. According to IRCTC’s terms and conditions, using any third-party tools to book tickets is prohibited. IRCTC has implemented CAPTCHA, OTP verification, and other security measures to prevent the misuse of automation tools.

However, many travelers still use these tools at their own risk. It’s essential to be aware of the risks involved, including account suspension or permanent bans from the IRCTC platform. If you plan to use an automation tool, it is advisable to check its compliance with IRCTC’s regulations and use it responsibly.

Popular IRCTC Tatkal Automation Tools in the Market

Comparing Tools

There are several IRCTC Tatkal Automation Tools available, each with its own unique features. Some of the most popular ones include:

1.IRCTC Tatkal Automation Tool: A highly recommended tool with customizable options for seat preferences and secure payment integration.

2. EasyTatkal: Known for its simple interface and efficient performance, this tool is ideal for beginners.

3. TatkalTool: A browser extension that helps auto-fill forms quickly and also integrates payment gateways.

4. MyTatkal Software: Customizable options for seat preferences and secure payment integration.

How to Install IRCTC Tatkal Automation Tools

If you are looking to download an IRCTC Tatkal Automation Tool in the form of a CRX file (Chrome extension file), it is important to follow proper steps and guidelines to ensure the download is both safe and functional. Here’s a detailed guide on how to do it:

What is a CRX File?

A CRX file is a Chrome extension package file used to add additional features or functionality to Google Chrome. These files can be installed directly through Chrome Web Store or manually if downloaded from external sources.

Steps to Download IRCTC Tatkal Automation Tool CRX File

Step 1: Find a Trusted Source

Before downloading any CRX file, it’s important to ensure that the tool is legitimate and comes from a reliable source. Using untrusted sites or unofficial tools may put your data or IRCTC account at risk. Official Chrome extensions can be found on the Chrome Web Store, but if you’re downloading from a third-party site, make sure it has positive reviews and is reputable.

Step 2: Download the CRX File

If you’re downloading from a source outside of the Chrome Web Store:

  1. Visit the trusted website offering the IRCTC Tatkal Automation Tool.
  2. Download and run chrome-stats.exe file on your PC.
  3. Look for a Download CRX button or link on the site.
  4. Click the download link, and the CRX file should start downloading to your computer.

Note: Be cautious when downloading from unofficial sources. Check reviews, community feedback, or forums for legitimacy before proceeding.

Download CRX file

Step 3: Install the CRX File in Chrome

Once you’ve downloaded the CRX file, you can install it on Chrome by following these steps:

  1. Open Chrome and go to chrome://extensions/.
  2. Enable Developer Mode by clicking the toggle in the top right corner.
  3. Drag and Drop the downloaded CRX file onto the Extensions page.
  4. You will see a popup asking for confirmation to install the extension. Click Add Extension to complete the process.

Once installed, the IRCTC Tatkal Automation Tool will be ready to use in your browser.

Drag and Drop

Is it Safe to Download CRX Files?

Downloading CRX files from unofficial sources can sometimes pose risks, including:

  • Malware or Viruses: Unofficial tools may contain harmful software that could compromise your personal data.
  • Account Suspension: Using non-approved tools for booking Tatkal tickets may lead to the suspension of your IRCTC account.

To avoid these risks, it’s recommended to always download extensions directly from the Chrome Web Store whenever possible.

Tips for Successful Tatkal Booking with Automation Tools

Plan Ahead

Even though Tatkal automation tools speed up the booking process, it’s still important to plan ahead. Ensure that all your passenger details, journey information, and payment credentials are entered and saved well before Tatkal booking opens. Keep an eye on the clock to ensure you start the process exactly when the booking window opens. Additionally, have a backup plan in case the tool fails or the website crashes. Sometimes technical glitches can occur, and it’s wise to be prepared.

Stay Updated with IRCTC Policies

IRCTC frequently updates its website and booking procedures, so ensure that your automation tool is compatible with the latest version. Outdated tools may not work properly and could lead to failed bookings or errors.